Monday, December 12, 2005

A Message from Baby D

Hi. It's me, Damien. I bet you're wondering why I'm here talking today and's pretty simple. I'm driving momma nuts, and well, she made me come tell everyone instead of herself. Really she loves me but she's just a bit irritated with me. I have these bad habits lately like.....teething, pulling my binkie out of my mouth and screaming about it, eating my fist, and crying all the time as soon as I poop because I hate poop on my butt. I don't know what to tell her except I'm a baby and get over it.

Another thing I've noticed is, you'd think she'd be happy when she sees me rolling around on the floor grabbing my feet like this and trying to get on all fours but instead I think maybe she seems sad because I'm growing up so fast. She's always saying things about me getting so big already and time is flying by whatever that means.

Pssssp! Let me tell you a secret. Has she even told you how she's been starvin me by not feeding me solids all the time? I mean I'm a BIG BOY (that's what she says), I'm 5 mths old and wear 12 mth clothes but she hardly feeds me solids, it's like she wants me to stay a baby! I don't get it! I mean I LOVE Sweet Potatoes, and Carrots....ahhh to die for! I eat them right up for her, but she only gives me solids like 2-3 times a week! C'mon Momma! Shhhesh! She's not liking the fact either that I try to hold my bottle all the time now too.

I overheard her and daddy talkin the other day about babies. Momma says there's always room for another and daddy doesn't know. I think maybe she's getting a case of the baby blues, is that what it's called? I'm not sure I'm only 5 mths old ya know. All I know is that she's sad. She really likes babies! You'd think having 3 would be enough but she's not sure I guess. I think she was but then I just kept growing.

Well I'd better get off here, it's almost my bedtime and momma doesn't know I've been online forever but if you see her in person or online tell her I'm trying to be a good baby but my gums hurt like hell! Oops, now I think I'm starting to pick up on that pirate language she talks about. Arrrrr......

1 comment:

Sara K. Parker said...


I hear you! By the way, the photos of little Damien are absolutely adorable. :)

It is really sad sometimes to watch them grow. Bittersweet, really. I realized recently that I have not been helping Noah walk...and I've been avoiding it on purpose. The more I help him, the quicker he'll walk, and the less of a baby he will be.

I'm already daydreaming about the next adoption, although realistically I know I could not handle more children right now. :)
