Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Just Think Cottage Cheese.......

What could possibly happen next here at my house? Ahh yessss! We weren't done with the stomach flu, it needs to make it's rounds AGAIN! I mean it was just here 2 months ago so why not come back for a second time and make things more interesting!! Last night when Christmas shopping I bought Dominic the Spongebob comforter to match his curtains. This morning while putting his Spongebob sheets on I took the comforter and laid it on the floor. Dominic jumped about covering himself up playing and giggling. All the sudden I hear burping I look over at him and he's smiling as to say 'I just burped hee hee!' Then he burped again but this time his face was a bit confused. All the sudden puke comes pouring out of his poor body all over his brand new comforter and it couldn't just happen once it had to happen four or five big piles of it ALL OVER the brand new comforter. The good part is, I didn't have to drag out the Bissell Spot Cleaner to clean the mess off the carpet since it all made it on Spongebob and Patrick! The bad part is, my stomach is not good with puke. Just seeing him puke almost made me do the same. I grabbed Glade and sprayed nearly the whole can in just his room. I ran him into the bathroom to let him keep puking in the toilet. After he was done I went back in to survey the damage. The comforter soaked and I started gagging. Then Tasha shows up to drop off Corbin. I told her stomach flu was going around my house again so I asked her to stay with Corbin till I could do something with this comforter. I'm such a wuss that I called Dave to ask if he could come home and take care of it for me even though he's 45 minutes away at work. Of course he told me no so I begged and he said to fold it up, hold my breathe and put it in the bathtub and he'll take care of it when he got home. (sigh) I decided that wouldn't be a good idea since the house will probably start smelling so I tried doing it myself, gagging teary eyed and all. I sprayed it off in the tub and just tried to keep thinking how much I love cottage cheese and it looked just like it. I tried to put myself in the mindframe that Dominic took my canister of cottage cheese in his room and accidently dumped it on the comforter. I think it worked because I got the whole thing cleaned. I hope that was it for the day, no more puke please.


Janice @ Mom On The Run said...

LOL - I just came to your site from a comment you left on mine - Sierra and Damien are at about the developmental level (she was born a month premature, born on June 8th, but her due date was July 5th. Great site! I'll be back - I promise!

Beth Fish said...

Blech. Blech, blech, blech. Hope that was the end of it for you.