Thursday, April 20, 2006

No BBQing For Now

We just used our grill a week ago. Thought we'd BBQ last night but when I looked at the grill, I saw grass hanging out the front. Then when I opened the thing up, I discovered this mess. I can't figure out how the bottom where the coals are got filled up with grass and junk unless the bird was just dumb and everytime it fell through she kept grabbing more and more till no more would fall though. No eggs yet so I'm going to clean it out before she thinks she can. I won't disturb it if she lays eggs in there. The big animal lover I am, I wouldn't kill any little baby birds in the making. I'm sure this is one of those big black birds, not a
crow but similar as I kept seeing one sitting on the grill the other day but never thought anything of it. How the heck did it get in there is what i want to know because the holes on the sides are like the size of a half dollar!?!?

Last night in bed I asked Dave if he remembered what happened this time two years ago. He replied yes and held me in bed. 2 years ago yesterday was the worst day of my life, literally, when we went to the Dr's office and found no heartbeat (I was 11.5 weeks) and then during the sonogram saw that the baby had died at 6 weeks gestation. I was a mess, screaming and bawling there during the sono and then was given the vague instructions on what was going to happen and what to do in the next few days when I miscarried. I say vague because if she would have told me what miscarrying was like, I would have done a D & C. That would have been cheaper than the $600 ambulance ride to the hospital a few days later.

You'd think April would be a great month for us considering April 24th is our anniversary (when we actually hooked up). 12 long crazy years together, although we've only been married for 3. This years April blow was this Tulsa move that isn't going to happen. I was so mentally prepared for moving and then just like that it was over. I'm just glad I didn't start packing up except for the junk I was throwing in a garage sale. I'm kinda mad about the whole deal, maybe it's just the fact that Alex and I told a zillion people and now they are asking me about it. And guess what? Her preschool teacher last year just called to ask me as I was writing this since Dominic was listed on the waiting list there. I guess she told her last year teacher too. Oh brother!

Speaking of Dominic, I just told her preschool teacher to go ahead and take him off the waiting list this year and put him on next years because he got in on an IEP for the 2006-2007 school year at his Early Ed school. We had his meeting the Monday night and they also let us know that they'd like him in the Summer School Program which made my day, let me tell ya! He'll be going M-F 8-12 all 4 weeks of June. Then he'll go back mid August and hopefully remember things after the 6 weeks off since that's what they are most afraid of. He's really starting to say more things, I can't say his behavior has gotten any better though. I guess monday he punched the bus driver in the face when she tried to help him into his booster seat and after seatbelting him he tried kicking out the window. Wednesday they got him on the bus with candy. Yeah, bribing. That's what I do, I didn't think preschool teachers used that method also.

I'll end with more pictures of Damien, in appropriate Boy Clothing. He looks much better as a boy than a girl. LOL I always seem to get a blur when taking his pictures since he's always moving around so much.


Anonymous said...

Spring is here I guess! I love the "boy" pics of D. :)

S said...

I didn't realize the two year anniversary was here already. Sending you hugs! such a sad anniversary!

I love the new pictures! LOVE the green shirt on Damien and the pic of him with his tongue out - such a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

Sabrina, he's PRECIOUS!
I'm sorry about the two year anniversary. :(
