10 months has really brought on no new milestones. Crawling has went from slow casual crawling to NASCAR speed crawling. He's starting to get more brave on eating bigger items like crackers or those Gerber Fruit Puffs but if he had his way, he'd be totally content with some smooth and creamy sweet potatoes or carrots. He's still working on his last can of formula. He has no preference between milk or formula so that's good and it should be easy to wean him totally off. He'll stand now for a few seconds without grabbing anything then fall to his butt. It also looks like he may break a top tooth first before a bottom!?!? This will be a first if it does happen that way. There are no signs of any bottom teeth but there's white on his top gums like his top tooth is about to poke through. Weird!
He is facinated by toys with wheels. He's is going to be all boy like Dominic. He loves trucks and trains and plays with all of Dominic's which makes Dominic alittle upset since he's not good with sharing. He's only taking one big nap in the afternoon which is fine because he sleeps at the same time as the daycare kids and Dominic. The one thing I get asked with him all the time is if he's acting anything like Dominic was at this age. SO far I can say he's not but I didn't start noticing how wild Dominic was till he was about a year old. That's when I saw I was in trouble. Hopefully he continues to be the mellow, sweet, loving little guy that he is.

My own baby D is almost 9 months old and I can't believe how fast it has flown. I love this age, they develop so so quickly!
That picture is the cutest one I have ever seen of D! He looks SOOO sweet!! I can't believe he is 10 mos old...seemed like yesterday we were all complaining of preggo aches and pains! And trying to walk too..*sigh* catch it all before *poof* it's gone!
Yay for 10 months! He is such a cutie pie. I hope he stays the sweet little guy that he is for you!
I think time keeps going faster the busier you get and YOU are certainly busy!
Oh goodness that last picture of him is so freaking adorable! I LOVE IT! WOW 10 months already that is NUTS where is the time going? Ad's already 5 months!! (still NOT rolling over may I just add LOL)
He is too cute!! We are right behind you on planning a bday party! :)
Isn't it amazing how all babies develop so differently? Alanna is 9 months and is just started to get on all fours, not crawling yet my starting to get the idea that she can move on her own. However, she has been eating purly solid finger food and feeding it to herself since she was 7 months old. They all get there eventually though!
I can't believe I have to plan her 1st party as well! Connor's is at the end of the month and Alanna shares her's with her Daddy. A princess and the king party!
So cute!!!! Wow, 10 months already. I can't believe how time flies!
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