Sunday, September 24, 2006

Seek and Destroy is Back

Everyone probably remembers how I started a blog about Dominic about a year ago on his little adventures for the day. Well I decided to start it back up but it's mainly just going to be a journal of what I'm dealing with at home of his good and bad times so I'll have this for his Ped or the child psychologist I was referred to, to see. I'm going to ask his teacher after she gets back from having surgery if she has or will do the same that way we both can have our own stories. I know alot of them from school already but in writing would be so much better.


Kristi Ann said...

I didn't know about it!! It was so funny to read about his little adventures a year ago!! My how he has GROWN!!! :) Glad I have the I can get advice from someone who has a "energetic" 4 year old! :)

Rhonda said...

It is a great idea to have everything written down. The more the better!