Monday, October 09, 2006

Pics From The Weekend

Well we didn't go anywhere I wanted this weekend. No motivation from either parent actually. I took some pics but they were all from home.

Here we have the kids standing with the blow up Mummy we have infront of the house. The kids were super excited to put this thing up. Alex must have asked about 100 times the past week.

We couldn't just put one up though according to the kids because he needed his friend Spooky Vampire Pooh.

Look I didn't even have to put up cobwebs outside since we have tons of spiders all over our bushes. This guy was about the size of pacifier, Huge! I'd never seen one of these before so I snapped a pic of him. It didn't turn out well. He had a striped body, Dave said he's called an Orb? Dunno. Guess he's the bug man not I.

Because my camera was so crappy I found a pic online though to show you all how cool this spider was. This looked exactly like it and if you look at the pic above you'll see that zig zag on the web towards the top of the body. Cool!

We finally found Dominic a Jack Sparrow Costume that fits him. This turned him into a COMPLETE ANGEL on our Walmart trip Sunday as you can imagine. That's a joke. Actually he was great then turned into a nightmare at the end. (sigh)

Last, I was so bored that I pulled out and completed a latchhook for Alexzandra. She loves it so that's good. I think it's actually quite ugly! It took about 4 hours along with her saying "are you about done yet?" about every 15 minutes.


Lucia's Mom said...

Sabrina - you're so awesome to be doing all this hallowe'en stuff and the little rug for Alexzandra! Do you sleep at night?

Anonymous said...

Those pic's are great!! Sammy wanted to be a pirate...and then a power ranger...and then something else...I think it changes about once a week! But mean mom that I am...he is going as super man! LOL

I love the pooh thing...I cant wait to have a yard!