Saturday, January 17, 2009


The past week has been a bit chaotic for my poor sister. It started Tuesday when Kaelynn came home from school complaining of her hip hurting. By Tuesday evening she could barely walk. Wednesday she went to the Dr and they ran a few blood tests, Thursday she went back for an MRI and Xrays after discovering infection was taking over and Friday the infection rate was so high they put her in the hospital. Today the other numbers they are running are showing other numbers on the rise (i have no idea what they are) so they transferred her from the hospital here to Children's Mercy in Kansas City. They have no clue what's going on at this point. We went to the hospital before they left for KC. She is just peacefully sleeping as they have her a bit sedated with Morphine drips and some strong antibiotics. It looks like if they don't have answers sometime tonight we'll probably be going up there tomorrow. It's a 3.5 hour drive with 5 kids. lol! This will really be testing out my van's capability of keeping kids busy. We only have 3 channels on Sirius Satellite TV so I'm thinking maybe we'll take the Xbox or Playstation.

Keep us all in your thoughts and prayers that we figure out this mess soon. Kaelynn is in a great deal and with no answers it's very frustrating.

1 comment:

Amie said...

Please tell Jill I am thinking of/praying for her and Kaelynn. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
