Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2nd Beta Result

I got my result yesterday and my beta was 10,200 on Monday so everything seems to be going well. I guess around 7 weeks is when the number starts to not double so they think it looks great. I am also temping to make sure I look ok and my temps have been in the 98's except for 1 day it was 97.8. After I got off the phone I did a little happy dance having Mia give me a high five so I think I wanted this more than I originally thought. lol!! I'm just more freaked out than anything. I asked Dave how excited he was we were having another and he did the little back and forth waver thing with his hand but I can tell in his face with that nervous grin that he's feeling about like I am. lol!! We have our first sono on Monday at 1:30!


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

You two are amazing. I mean in a great way... I think that it is wonderful that you continue to do what you two feel is right for your family and not let other's influence that.

I am so happy that thing are going a long fine!

Kris said...

:-D So excited for yall

Sara K. Parker said...

whoo-hoo!!!! :))

Rhea said...

Wow, how exciting. I can't wait to follow your journey. :)