It's so funny how this week has gone. Damien has been out of school all week due to the snow collapsing the roof at the school. The kids were all out Monday. Tuesday I did daycare with one of my old daycare kids and I was really thinking about doing it again on a daily basis. And then Wednesday morning, the day I was ready to lay some pranks on my kids and my husband, the ultimate prank was pulled over on myself. Slowly we are telling our close friends.....we'll wait on the family since they are usually never real supportive! We've been so out of touch lately with each other, just so busy with everything but this baby has definitely brought the romance back. Before and after work he's been loving on me with extra hugs and kisses. He's constantly telling me he loves me and I love him so so much too! We're both scared to freakin death of the surgery part but I know another baby was in our cards, just alittle earlier than planned!
I decided I'm going to just keep pushing forth on breastfeeding as much as it hurt like a mutha!! I really want to go as far as I can with her on it. I guess maybe another sign I had was about a week ago while breastfeeding my left boob felt tingly like I was letting down which hadn't happened in months. I was really surprised and I thought "wow, I must be doing it so often I got more milk!" because like I mentioned in a post below Sophia is nursing half the night while I sleep.
Anyways I am so excited now to tell everyone, we waited till 12 weeks with Sophia and I'm at 5 right now. Not sure when we will tell family. We shall see. I was really happy to hear that Dave is spreading the word at work. Makes me feel better that I'm not the only one!
I know I have already said this, but I have to say it again.....CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am seriously SOOO excited for you (and maybe a little jealous, which is weird, since I am actually pregnant right now!) I know you don't really know me, but I read your blog often, and I really feel that I can relate to you :) Good luck with baby #6, and I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
Congrats! I am so excited for you!
Congrats again! If it makes you feel any better I read a post by a woman the other day who's had 8 c-sections so far(and all gone well). I don't know if any were this close together, but still... is a sign of hope thing imo lol.
Good luck on the breastfeeding too. I remember times it was rough for us (no supply issues, but pain ones a few times... and two cases of mild mastitis)but is so worth it. That's odd about the tingly thing though.. I'll have to keep that in mind in case it starts happening to me lol.
Congratulations!! I found your blog at What an awesome surprise for your family!
Kamden was my suprise baby, and let me tell you, the shock was more then I could mentally handle. Especially since I went in for my first DR's appt not showing at all, only for them to tell me that I was 28 weeks! He must have been crammed in there good LOL. Seriously though, now I feel HUGE guilt for being so upset/shocked. He is an angel, I am so glad I have him.
I haven't been reading up on blogs much lately so I have to say catching up on yours was a shock! lol! I knew you'd be PG again soon, but I didn't expect this soon either. Congratuations!!
And even funnier, I have to second what the first commenter (how funny she's also named Jenn) said about being jealous, which makes no sense since I'm also pregnant too. But it gives me hope that I'll get to be like you down the road and not have any troubles conceiving any future children like we did with this one.
I will keep you in prayer that everything goes well and that your body will handle the surgery well. I am really glad that they figured out what the problem with the anesthesia was when you had Sophia.
Congrats Sabrina! Wishing you a happy, healthy, and quick 9 months!
Brenda (from Mar04)
I have to say that I think it is amazingly sweet and adorable that you two are so excited and lovey dovey... really... I am so happy for you!!
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