Monday, April 27, 2009

Just Put It On Already!

About 3 or 4 months ago, I told my daughter that it was about that time when she put something on called deodorant. I didn't want to give her specifics about what it was for, I just told her it would make her smell good since it's baby powder. 3-4 months later I am having to hassle her about doing it daily and finally gave her the lowdown that she occasionally stinks. I had to just be blunt to get the point across, and I thought that had worked. I don't know if kids just can't smell themselves or what but she just doesn't understand she needs to wear it DAILY. She told me the other day "I haven't been running around or anything..."

So as we are struggling with such a petty stinky little thing, I think of all the other older girl things that will start coming up in the next few years. Shaving, bras, and periods. It scares me.


Jen said...

ooh I am so not looking forward to all of that! I remember the day I got my first bottle of mom left me and my sister each a bottle and some candy LOL

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

In a way I am glad that I don't have to deal with the girl issues... but in a way I am a little sad that I won't have to deal with them...

Tracy said...

I'm glad that I won't have to deal with girl issues... at least not unless we are blessed with a daughter at some point. You did get me thinking about all the things I will eventually have to deal with having a son. If he ends up being like every other boy I've known there will be plenty of smelly strange things to deal with.

Cindy @ Marriedtothemilitary {dot} net said...

my girls wanted deodrasnt so they wouldnt stink lol

A thought though... buy some tea tree oil an put it in a spray bottle with some water and spray under her arms. I bet she stops smelling so bad :-) Seruioulsy try it and let me know.

Kristi Ann said...

yikes!! thanks for the warning on everything I have to look forward to! :)
Hope you are well!

Sara K. Parker said...

Just checking ya doin'?