School ends in less than 3 weeks and I have assured myself I can do this. Well really there is no other choice. lol Does anyone else feel like that? I've got my daughter going to our church camp for a week. Dominic will go to a day basketball camp the same week she is gone. I think he will be in ball as well. Alex will not. He will be homeschooled this summer so he doesn't fall behind. Since he's not 9 weeks behind the school says he doesn't qualify for summer schooling. He's actually doing really well in school but we're afraid he's going to lose it all this summer. There's swimming lessons and some other little things they'll be doing through the summer but it still probably won't help with the daily chaos. The torture, fighting, and teasing. (sigh) I am usually not hard on them about chores but this summer they will be helping out A LOT. I've got vinegar and water bottles ready.
Someone asked me the other day if we were going to be selling our house since we were having another little one. Apparently she'd like to buy our place if we are thinking about looking. I did start looking online that day after talking to her finding a few places in town with 5-10 acres for around $200,000. We owe about $80K on our house and it's worth about $110K. Once I started thinking about it though and thinking how much cheaper it would be just to do the remodel, we would be stupid to put ourselves in that much debt just for another bathroom and alot more land. I believe we can stay here no problem as long as we hurry and do the addition on our house. I have contentment with what I have. I don't need anything more than this but as the kids grow, 1 bathroom is not ideal.
It really got me thinking of how lucky and blessed we are presently. We have very little debt and have lived on 1 income now for over 2 years when I quit doing daycare. We have a nice car, nice belongings and don't hold back on buying things because we usually have the money for it. Totally different than some friends or even family we have. I would hate to jack that up though. Everything seems to go well here for us although I still despise someone's LONG hours.
I have been super busy lately thus the reason I have been lacking on posting. Seems like every morning I'm running to a store or church function. As soon as 1 pm hits I collapse and take a 2 hour nap. I'm exhausted and hungry all the time. If I don't eat like a pig I feel like I'm going to die. And we are continuing to breastfeed which probably makes it worse. So always something going on here. This weekend is no different. My sister is coming to town so our whole family is going out to breakfast, my other sister is graduating college. Sophia is going to be dedicated on Mother's day. We have small group and finally I get to watch my awesome 17 yr old cousin Jordan be baptised. Hopefully I won't be sleeping through all these events. lol
It is good to get an update-- I have been wondering!
It is gonna be crazy around here with the Summer, too.
Whew I am tired just reading all that..and your prego on top of it all....holy cow!!
Hi Sabrina,
I feel the same way about summer, I have already started thinking of things for them to do.
My section will be in the first half of August,
So it should be lots of fun around here!
Try to take some time for yourself and enjoy every moment.
Happy Mommys Day! :)
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