I haven't updated for awhile so I thought I would jump on here. Rocco is 6 weeks old as of today. He is a charmer! So sweet. I love him so so much. The kids are head over heels over him always loving on him. The first 2 weeks breastfeeding were painful! I swear I never thought after quitting when Sophia was 7 months old and starting again when she was 13 months I would have felt that much beginning of breastfeeding pain. At 2 weeks I went in for an incision check. It healed perfect, I feel great, no post partum issues so far like after Sophia but then my new OB had some news she waited until the visit to share. Apparently during surgery she found some sort of growth on my ovary. Turns out C-sections can be blessings in disguise because the Dr's get an inside look. She said it was firm but sort of squishy so she wanted to wait till my 6 week visit to see if maybe it would go away like some common ovarian cysts do or if this was something else we would be dealing with. Yesterday I went in for that visit and did the sonogram she called for. I went in there just positive that it was gone and this was going to be no big deal however it still is there, a 2 cm solid mass. She said it seems to look like a dermoid cyst but they need to get it out and send it off to Pathology. Only about 2% can be malignant and cancerous but the longer you wait the bigger the risk. The biggest thing is it's connected to my ovary's blood supply so they have to remove it also. Kind of disappointing. So I have to do another Lap surgery soon. It's frustrating because Rocco's birth was so expensive and we haven't even got all the bills on that yet. I really don't want to do another lap surgery after the recovery i had with the last.
So now we have a consult and then will schedule the surgery. After the results we ran into someone from church in the lab. She knew what was going on so when I started crying and told her the result she laid hands right there. It really was calming and I'm sure people sitting around us were probably feeling a bit awkward but we didn't. I know God does things for a reason. There's a reason for this just like there was a reason he put the Children's Church Director in the lab in our path. He knew we needed comforted. It is sad that a piece of my childbearing will be missing but I can not be upset. I've been blessed so much the past few years. I am so grateful for what God has done for us.
I am so sorry ta tyou are going rthough this! My thoughts are with you and prayers are for you.
Oh I'm sorry. Praying for ya too...
I will say lot of prayers that it all works out for you. Please let us knwo when you knwo more.
BTW, where are all the pictures of this new baby?
Oh, Sabrina!! I will be praying for you. I've missed your posts!!!
Sabrina, email me when you get time. I can't find your current email address. pipsersmom@gmail.com. Praying for you! I know how you feel about a piece of your child bearing being missing...I felt the same.
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