Thursday, June 30, 2005

So much to do, so little time

I have to say, this is the first time at the end of a pregnancy that I haven't "nested." My house is still not up to par but I don't plan on making it a huge commitment to finish. I'll do my dishes, laundry, make beds, etc the simple things but I'm not going to put a huge effort on vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and all the other things. It's a bit hard with my kids running around destroying things as I clean too. (sigh) Whatever

My dr's appointment yesterday went over the basics. Be there at 5:30 AM, don't eat or drink after Midnight, call before then if something happens. Ha! I doubt! Boys just don't like to come out of me. They'd like to stay in forever. One thing that'll be nice though is all this extra cooking will make him a Grade A Breastfeeder. I'm already sure that he's going to weigh about 8 lbs since my other son was 7 1/2 lbs. Seems like each baby they get bigger. I hope he's a bit big because of the off months of baby clothes I have since these two boys were born in different seasons. Right now I have some super cute 0-3 mth winter clothes that most likely he won't wear! lol

Tomorrow starts HutchFest. HutchFest is a festival our town has before the 4th of July. I really hoped to go but I'm not sure if we'll be able to. Seems like my aches and pains change daily! I also wanted to take my kids to the Wichita Zoo one last time before the baby came, don't see that happening this weekend either! Hutchfest though, I'll try to make an effort to take the kids because they have an assortment of activities for the kids to do. I think Dominic will just die if he got to ride one of the ponies. In a way having him on one would scare me to death because of how excited he might get, it may spook the horse. After all these activities then on the 4th they do the big firework show. I can't wait, I'm going to camcord it because as soon as it's done I know Alex will say "is the baby coming out now??" Oh, the timelines we give kids. lol

1 comment:

S said...

I can't believe your time is finally here! WOW! I hope you can enjoy a family activity this weekend - Hutchfest sounds like fun! Can't wait til Tuesday!!!!!