Sunday, February 05, 2006

7 Months Old!

Here we are already at 7 Months old. It's went so fast but luckily I've been home to experience it all. I actually started having some pain on the right side of where my incision was today. Kinda scary but it does still happen every once in a while. I suppose after having 3 C- sections it's pretty common. The main thing I worry about is whether I have scar tissue growing in my gut. The last thing I want is to have to have a surgery to remove it. Since I have a huge scar on my arm it's something my Dr's have informed me may happen.

The past month Damien has been doing some cool things. Here's the list.

  • Turns his body to whatever he wants while up on his arms
  • Holds the bottle!!
  • Extends arms to be held
  • Gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth
  • Gets around the front room by rolling or scooting backwards
  • Turns around in his crib
  • Eats French Fries!! Still hates me feeding him with the spoon.
  • Is still waking about 3 times a week for a bottle but sleeps thru for the most part

He just loves his brother and sister too. I get a bit scared when I see him watching Dom though. He just LOVES the way he acts it gets him excited, so I'm worried he's going to start acting like a hyperactive monkey as well. Everyone told me before he was born he was going to be TOTALLY DIFFERENT than Dominic. If he's not, and is a hyperactive monkey, expect a bitchslap from me. LMAO

1 comment:

S said...

He is such a cutie pie! I would love to see a picture of him holding his arms out to you - way too cute!