I Know What Boys Like
Last night I was hurrying around at 7 PM trying to get baths going so I could watch my shows on TV. I missed Wife Swap but was done with the kids in time to see SuperNanny and Miracle Workers. Dominic may not be potty trained yet but he loves going before getting into the tub. He stood at the toilet, grabbed himself, back arched just enough to shoot it in the bowl. I told him what a good boy he was for doing it and then he looked down at his "weenie." Uh oh. He saw a drop of pee still there so being the gross boy he is, he stuck his finger on his weenie, got the last drop on his finger, and took a little taste test with a big smile on his face and smacking his lips with delight. NASTY! I told him that's gross and you don't do that but he blew me off and jumped in the tub and started playing with his weenie toy some more. Everyone used to tell me about sick stories about what their boys used to do with
animals, eating dirt, etc. None of them told me about the weenie affair that boys have. My child plays with his ding-dong more than his toys! I remember at a year old he started noticing he had something there but now at 3 it's a toy sent from Heaven in his eyes. You know it's bad when you catch him in the Al Bundy pose when sleeping. He's got his hand in his pants all the time. Sometimes he'll just rip his diaper off and run around cupping himself saying "weenie weenie heee heee!" He loves giving himself lil' stiffies and then come show me. It's all quite embarrassing and I really don't know what to do about it. I've been told in the past that you're not supposed to make a big deal out of it because then they think it's a bad thing. Well trying to ignore it does not work and I've tried telling him, "That's not nice" but that doesn't work much either. Is there any hope? Will he be terrifying all the girls on the playground when he's older with his hand down his pants groping himself? Will the Principal call me and tell me to come get my pervert child? Will other people thinks think I'm a bad mom because I have a groper?? Will he grow out of this? Someone give me hope.
OH how funny is that Sabrina!!! If I ever have a boy I guess that is what I get to look forward to huh??
FUNNY!!! I have been told that you are to tell them that you do not do "that" in public that it is a private thing that you do when others are not around. I really don't know how you portray that without it making them feel bad!
To me it sounds like you have 100% all Boy on your hands!!
Wow, now you amde me scared. I have never heard anything like that.
LOL...Don't sweat it1 The funny thing is ...is Ihave apicture of sammy in that ExACT postion as he is sleeping. I took it with my camera phone! LOL It is the funniest picture ever. I don't think they ever outgrow playing with it...hhehe....Sammy does it when he is watching his video or when he is in bed. Such a perv! They start so young eh? LOL Ah well. Ona serious note though, I found that the mnore I drew attention to it...the more he played with it. Now like I said..it is an occasional thing! HTH! You are not alone! LOL I freaked out in the beginning too...and asked the ped. He said he'll outgrow it.!
oh good god 'george in auburn'. i hope you are joking. you obviously don't have any kids!
relax, sabrina! boys love their weenies. men love their weenies. they never grow out of it-or stop playing with them as far as i can tell. i think if my husband thought he could get away with it he, too, would run around naked yelling "weeeennnneeeee!!" i think their weenies are the only thing they love more than breasts. my youngest son, who will be 8 in a week, sleeps in the classic al bundy pose every night. he has done it as long as i can remember.
as far as what to say, we just used to say very matter-of-factly that we know it feels good and it's fun but it can make other people uncomfortable so it is something that is ok but only in private. just try not to laugh too much:)
OH MY GOSH!!! I died laughing at this one. I keep waiting for Kai to do something like that, as all my sisters with boys went through periods like that with them. So far, he's more obsessed with what his poopies look like in the potty, and he's been asking about nipples a lot. LOL.
Was George in Auburn real, or someone you know making a joke?????
It is hilarious! Zach is reaching for his with every diaper change! We keep taking his hand away and then he screams! Boys will be boys!
As for George..... get a life! All boys go through this stage! It is part of there development!
I think George played with his so much it made him rude and stupid. Jackass. Let's go spam his boring blog LMAO
OH MY GOSH I AM LAUGHING OUT LOUD - "will someone call and tell me to come get my pervert child?" please continue writing posts like this. too freaking funny !
i had 3 older brothers. i saw way too many penises growing up. they're fine vgvgfc g(sorry that was from lucy) and so am i! he's normal!
I think it's pretty safe to say George doesn't have children. I don't know for the life of me why you would come and say something like that on someone else's blog. It's obviously not constructive criticism, it's just mean.
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