If my kids keep getting sick at school, forcing me to haul all the munchkins with me, I might think about adding the term Traveling Daycare to my profile at the Child Referral Agency. Just think of the nifty decal I could plaster on the side of my pimpvan. Need daycare but can't bring 'em to me? Hey I can pick them up! I'm on the road 95% of the time hauling barfing children home from school or taking kids to the Dr a few times a week for ear infections or bronchitis!!
I'm sure you know where this is going. Miss Priss left at 7:15, Dom at 8:00 at 8:35 I see on the Caller ID with Dominic's school is calling. School starts up at 8:30 why would they be calling so early? I MUST have forgotten to put something in his bag like a permission slip or money. It's Kristi his teacher.
Kristi: "Hi Sabrina, it's Kristi. Listen Dominic's sick. He threw up on the ride to school."
Me: "Oh no. He's been fine here. He was so excited when he saw the bus today and he ran right on with no problems. He hasn't acted sick at all."
Kristi: "Well I'm going to need you to pick him up, he'll have to stay home for 24 hours without vomiting again before returning to school. I'm sorry about this."
Me: "No problem, I'll get there as fast as we can." This meaning loading 4 kids and driving 20 minutes to town.
He hasn't had another episode at all. I know what the problem is already in which I told her when I got there I was sure it's because he hasn't hardly ate anything in days. It's either this or the sick new trend he likes to do which is gag himself with his fingers and make himself throw up. Yes I think I may have the occasional bulimic child. My first objective was to feed him so we hit up a place that serves hamburgers like McDonalds but you can get your burger ANYTIME not that after 10:30 BS McDonalds does, so he tiny bit of a hamburger and french fries at 9 AM this morning. For lunch he ate nothing but yogurt. (sigh) I'm thinking about trying Pediasure on him. Not sure if it'll help but I've heard kids love it. He won't eat anything we eat and the only way to get him to take even a few bites is to tell him the trains are going to be put away.
Now some new pics of Baby D. This is what he looks like a good portion of the day. He's been on Amoxicillin now for a week because of that double ear infection but his ears have to still be buggin him. These were only taken a few moments from each other.

I see no evil but I sure as hell hear it!!!
I'm not sure why the castpost deal isn't working below very well. When you visit the site it works fine. Dunno! May have to go there to watch it. He's such a momma's boy and always wants to be held. When he's down for his naps instead of taking it easy, I'm running around the house trying to do 100 things because as soon as he wakes up, all he wants is to be loved. That's ok though.........just annoying at times, like when I need to go pee, or shower, or fix lunch, or get the mail, or do the housework. Oh well.
Did anyone watch War at Home last night? We love this show. Last night, the mom was going through a "baby blues" episode where she realized her kids were all growing up and she wanted a baby but the dad (Dave) was all freaked out and said heck no, even skipping out on sex just to make sure. I can totally see that being us down the road. The show focuses on such real issues that happen to families but with a comic side thrown into it kind of like Everybody Loves Raymond, another fave show of mine. It was hilarious though.
I have no idea how the heck you do it every day! You are so amazing!!!
Damien is such a little cutie - I love the pictures of him pulling at his ears! He's growing up so fast!
Have you tried using a sling or wrap with Damien? Not the cheap sunggly ones that are so uncomfortable though. I carry Ellie around on my back to do stuff (cooking, cleaning, yard work). When she was littler though I used a front carry. It makes life SO much easier!
I love War at Home! I didn't get to see it Sunday, unfortunately, so I'll have to catch that one as a rerun. :)
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