Sunday, September 24, 2006

A New Hiding Place

I could not find Damien for the life of me the other day! He had disappeared. I checked the closets, under his crib, behind our bed and downstairs thinking maybe he fell down the stairs but nothing. Finally after yelling for him forever I heard giggling. I followed it and found this going on.


Kristi Ann said...

Oh my!! What an adventurer! I hate those moments/seconds when you cant find them! mckayla likes to hide in Sammys room! :)
He is getting So big! too cute!

Rhonda said...

How cute!!!!! Little Z loves playing in the bathtub too!!!! Glad that he was hiding in the bathtub!!!!

S said...

OMG that is hilarious! How did he get into the tub without cracking his head? Smart cutie!

Sabrina said...

Sheri- Damien has this whole sliding over the edge thing he does. He'll throw toys out of the tub then slide over the edge onto the bathmat, grab them and throw them back in and then come into the living room naked. I usually watch him from the couch. So most likely he's getting right up next to the edge and putting his hands down first and sliding right in. Weird kid!