Wednesday, April 25, 2007

BBQ's Are For the Birds

Hey! Remember this post??? Well lookie what we have going on again! This will be the 2nd summer we haven't been able to BBQ. I have already told Dave that we are buying new grill there is just no way I'm using it after this has happened 2 years in a freakin row!!! And just so you know, we decided this year not to clean out the grill when this started because we weren't going to use it anymore after last year. Life is precious and Dave and I would never do anything to this bird's soon to be babies. So look for updates because we should have some new babies here soon!!!
See the Grass hanging out the bottom there?
Count them! 4 Little Eggs!
Can you believe 2 days ago there was only 1?
Proud, Smart Mommy to be finding the best nesting spot of all. A BBQ Grill.

1 comment:

Kristi Ann said... precious~~~

Please keep us posted on the little buggers! LOL