Today at our home here in Kansas, we dressed and danced for Hannah in celebration of her short lived life. Kristi Ann had the wonderful idea of doing this on her blog so today at 2 pm CST (3 pm EST in Virginia the time of the funeral) we dressed up and danced to some Disney music. I urge everyone who comes here to post some love for the family on their blogs. I hurt for Rachel and Jess. I think of my little Pigs, and I just don't think I could go on without any of them. I can't imagine Saturday and Sunday mornings not having the 4 of them cuddling up with Dave and I in the blankets. I can't imagine Mia not giggling at everything funny her brothers do or the boys not playing cars and trucks with each other. I can't imagine Miss Priss not being around to building tents for her brothers to play with her in or blowing bubbles for Mia in the house. It's just so tragic and sad. Alex is only a year and 3 months older than Hannah.
We hadn't brought out dress up clothes for a few months so the kids were excited. Dominic and Damien both wanted to be pirates and Mia and Alex played with tiara's, jewels and princess costumes.
Mia playing with a Princess wand Alex made about a year ago.
That is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing and celebrating with me.
Thanks for celebrating Hannah's special day with us! Your kids look very fancy! :-)
Oh sabrina, my heart is so broken for her family. I'm glad your kids got to celebrate with Hannah.
I am trying to find my cord to my camera so I can show you how we dressed up....McKayla has a thing with cords lately! LOL
Your kids are gorgeous! :)
Sabrina, somehow I missed this post the other day. How much fun you and the kids had. thank you for sharing in Hannah's special day, it means so much to us. :o)
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