Thursday, July 31, 2008

Have You Tried One of These??

A co-worker of Dave's was traveling through Colorado and picked one of these cool looking melons for us to try out. Rocky Ford (the area where Dave is from) is known for making the best cantalopes and honeydew. They have road side stands all over when traveling on Highway 50. This however is a cross bred melon. A combo between Cantalope AND Honeydew (aka a Galia Melon) and it is the best thing ever! Sadly you can't buy these things around here so if we want another, we've got to drive 5.5 hrs to Dave's hometown where I guess they are mass producing them. They taste like very sweet cantalope and are super soft and juicy. The kids (after being paid $1 each to try it) loved it! lol


Jena9286 said...

That's awesome! Maybe I need to start paying my kids to try new foods! The melon looks really good!

Kris said...

Sounds good...

Sabrina said...

Jenn- whatever works is what I say. lol After Dominic tried that bite for $1 he was jumping up and down for more. Now if that theory only worked on all