Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I was caught totally off guard today by the girls in our church playgroup. There's only 5 of us and the other 4 decided to have a baby shower for us. I was on my way (thinking we were just having lunch) and one mom called to make sure I was coming. I was running late due to following a student driver to town. When we got there we walked in and everyone said "surprise!!" I'm a bit slow I guess because it didn't click and I said, "yes surprise! We're late!" Then one mom said, "yeah we thought we might have to come track you down for your baby shower." Then I looked around and noticed decorations. Duh! lol We had a small brunch but Mia was more interested in the cupcakes. lol
This is my 3rd shower. I had a planned one with Alex but Dominic's and Gabriella's were surprises. Basically I'm just one of those "don't have a party for me" type people and always tell people no and not to worry about us. So anyways it was a fun morning and I didn't have anything but my camera phone but Camille is going to send me some pictures that she took. This is what we received and they even got a mommy gift which was a Japanese Cherry Blossom set from Bath and Body works. It smells so yummy! I keep spraying myself down. lol


Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh how sweet of them! A surprise is always wonderful!

Unknown said...

How wonderful to be pampered! You deserve it!!!!!!

Kris said...

That's great!

S said...

Hi! I haven't been around much lately - nice to see you!! And lovin your new blog page!

Very cool about the baby shower!!