Tuesday, April 26, 2005


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I got this picture in my email this morning.  It said, if you see this on your way to work you better turn around and go home because your bound to have a shitty day. Then this morning I took my dog out to pee and looking around at the clouds there were all sorts of clouds making weird shapes but none with the middle finger.  Well I guess I was cursed by getting this email because I'm seeming to have a really crappy day already.  The kids won't quit fighting over toys, hitting each other,  they keep taking every pillow and cushion off my couch so they can jump on them, one girl won't stop with her high pitched screams, the baby has been napping but wouldn't stop crying this morning since her mom brought her over to my house starving.  I have 3 kids leaving today at 3:00 so then I'll only have 2 more plus my 2.  The last 2 leave at 5:15.  Then I have Alex's gymnastics at 6 PM.  I'm bound to crash early tonight since the first two kids got here at 6:30 AM this morning.  Well....guess the fish sticks are about done cooking so I'll get off here.  Boy do they smell good!  I won't eat any though, I get so tired of kid foods.  (sigh)

1 comment:

S said...

I'm sure I saw that cloud on my way in this morning LOL

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