Monday, July 11, 2005

6 Days past Damien's birth

Well here we are on Day 6. Damien is doing very well and the kids love their baby brother. The first few days at home Dominic didn't want anything to do with him but now he comes and kisses him and says "baby" because he doesn't know his name really. Alex wants to hold him and kiss him all the time. She loves us taking her picture of her holding him.

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We got out of the hospital on 7-7-05. I can only handle a hospital environment for so long and 48 hours was enough for me! With a C they'd like you to stay longer and kept telling me I can stay for another day but I was like "nope, c ya!" Damien got Circ. that morning and it was so hard for me to listen to him. We were only a few doors down and he was screaming LOUD. I told David to shut the door because I started crying. It was hard. They brought him in and he was sleeping. They told me that there were several babies getting done so it probably wasn't just him I heard.

I've been moving around pretty slow because of the incision pain but getting around better now that it's been 6 days. I feel really good today and haven't even had any pain medication since 5:30 this morning. My legs are still horribly swollen from the IV's they filled me up with. It also is a bit painful on my insides when I pee. I pray in the next few days the swelling goes down and the pain all subsides so I can feel normal again.

While in the hospital breastfeeding was going fairly ok but as soon as we came home it all went down the tubes. The nurses told me that with bigger babies, it's harder to keep them satisfied. Well they weren't lying. I don't remember my other two eating the way this guy does. We were having to supplement him with formula they gave us at the hospital but my milk supply is increasing so we haven't had to supplement as much with the formula. He refuses to latch on for more than a minute though and screams bloody murder when I nurse him. I took him in for a 2 day appt on Saturday and they told me that he seems to be an instant gratification baby and the milk isn't coming quick enough for him so he's freaking out. It's getting to a point after today trying, I'm about to give and just pump and give it to him. I was doing the SNS which I can pour my breastmilk into and put the tubes in his mouth as he sucks. This does help but gets to be a pain. He still squirms and claws at my chest getting the tubes moved out of his mouth. He just doesen't like my chest I guess! He does however do wonders when I pump and give him a bottle. Not a word comes from his mouth but he's eating 3 oz and I can only pump about 2 oz every 2 hours. He eats about every 3 hours so that does help a bit.

Our nights were ok but the past 2 nights I have been up at 12:30, 2:30, and 5:30. Then this morning he pulled a surprise attack wanting to eat again at 6:30. I'm up for about a hour each time he wakes up. Not only to feed him but to pump too so I can keep up with him. Dave would like me to just give up on the breastfeeding and just give him pumped milk because of his screaming in the middle of the night on my breast for 30+ minutes until I give up and give him a bottle.

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Other than that news, Dave went back to work today after having a week off. Today has been hard not with the kids but with the fact that I enjoyed having him here and now he's back to work. He didn't have to do this, he chose to because he's worried about making decent money for us while I'm on break from daycare. I sort of expressed my dismay of him going back to work yesterday but he said if I was feeling bad he'd stay home but if not he really needed to go back. I've talked to him about 4 times today, thank god for cell phones, but when I don't talk to him I'm just a blubbery mess. I know I owe a big thanks to post partum hormones for all the tears. Even watching something funny on TV like Mad TV the other night I would laugh and then start crying. Ugh!

So that is the update here. The kids have swimming lessons starting tonight which I will be unable to go because it's so hot and I don't want to expose little Damien to it. I hope to get my mother to watch Damien though sometime in the next 2 weeks so I can go and camcord them in swimming action though.

1 comment:

S said...

Sabrina: You are such a trooper! With all you have been through and your perseverance to continue breast feeding - you amaze me! I am so happy that everything turned out so well! Love, Sheri