Wednesday, October 05, 2005

3 Months Old WOW!

This year has been going super fast. It's so hard to imagine 3 months ago today I was introduced to our cute little Damien! The first thing I said after seeing him was he's huge and doesn't look anything like my other two kids! I never thought I'd ever have a 10 lb'er baby. His fat chubby cheeks were adorable and made him have these tiny beady eyes. Thankfully he's all evened out now though. He's long and has some rolls but isn't overly fat. Think he's got some of the Atkinson (dad's family) genes in him though. We couldn't ask for a better baby though. He rarely cries unless he's hungry or has some gas.

Some 3 month milestones are
  • He's holding his head up really well, not much wobbling now!
  • Laying on his tummy he'll lift his head up and turn it looking at different objects
  • still breastfeeding but when bottlefed he'll eat 4-6 oz each bottle
  • He watches me or anyone else walk around the house
  • He's started using his Exersaucer which he really enjoys sitting up
  • He giggles all the time. He thinks I'm pretty funny when changing his clothes or diaper
  • He rolls side to side but not completely over just yet!
  • Sleeping from 9:30 PM- 2:30 AM nursing and then sleeping till 9 AM
  • Can put him in bed awake with his fish aquarium and he drifts asleep without fussing!

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