Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I Feel Tears Coming

Well I told him. He's not pleased at the moment and we haven't talked of it since. He came home and I finally told him about a hour later in the bathroom. His exact words were "every fucking time" in which after that he rolled his eyes and walked off. What he means is everytime I have a serious conversation with him, I'm pregnant. We hardly ever fight, we're always joking around so if I'm serious he knows something's up. I expected this though, it's just sad. He's already in bed at 9:30, I think he's avoiding me on purpose.


Colleen said...

I guess you are really scared and nervous about this, sounds like you have been through a lot. I am giving you a digital *hug*.

Lindsay said...

Hey sweetie!

I'm so sorry about his reaction. I hope after some sleep and some time he'll be better with it.

Sending you hugs!!!!


S said...

Oh sweetie! I know everything will be ok, he just needs some time. I am sending you some love and hugs! xoxox Sheri (who isn't sure she likes the new BBC)

Jess said...

Sabrina, I am so sorry he didn't take the news well. Give him a bit of time to let it sink in and I'm sure he will be supportive and excited too.

Anonymous said...

Just remember that this for guys it's, "Crap, how am I going to provide for 4 little mouths?" and for us it's, "Oh, I'm going to be a mom again!" Give him time, S... just let him process it. I promise he'll turn around.

Lucia's Mom said...

he'll come around. I second what Rach said. In the meantime, I'm so excited for YOU! Don't let him spoil your excitement.

Lucia's mom (who definitely doesn't like the new BBC)

Michelle said...

Sabrina - Just remember you weren't doing the happy dance either. It'll take some time to settle in. We found out on a Saturday and didn't talk until the next day. I did do a lot of crying and he was just quiet. It's a lot to take in when it's not something planned or even in your future plans. Matt is very excited about it all now! I'm coming around as well. I mean, it is a life long change, it takes some time to adjust! It'll be OK!

Hope you are feeling OK!

Rhonda said...

Oh Sabrina....... Time will make things better. He is just as shocked as as you were.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry he's freaking out like this. But remember you freaked out too, you've just had a little time to process it.

He will come around, and you will too. You have nine months to get ready, it's going to be OK. Breathe, breathe, breathe. I know very well what you're going through as Joaquin was completely unplanned and (honestly) unwanted. We adore him now, of course, but the first few months of that pregnancy with him were beyond hard.

big, big hugs.

Deanne said...

Sabrina, I am sorry to hear about your uncle. ((HUGS)) I have been home for a couple days and haven't been able to check your blog. Hang in there girl.