Monday, April 30, 2007

When You're Out With Only 1

Funniest thing happened to us this weekend when out house hunting. We gave the 3 older kids to my Mom. Took Mia with us. Went to Olive Garden where everyone ooh'd and awe'd at her. Then we started having people say things to us like she was our only child. "She's so cute, just wait till she gets older, then they're a handful!" "Aww! She's adorable. I've got 3 myself." Mia started crying, then I got some advice. "Aww! Maybe she has gas? Have you burped her? Poor thing!" There was a few more instances too it was so funny! Dave finally said "man people sure treat you different when you only have 1!" We never told anyone we actually had 4 and just let them all believe she was our only child. lol

I did not take any pictures this weekend! I can't believe that! But I do have a few things I can show. My Dad bought these AWFUL looking sandels for Dominic in Corpus Christi, TX and I just want to throw them away!!! UGH! Dominic LOVES them. Help!!! Help!! Help!!!!! And what are they supposed to be?!?! They are the freakiest looking things ever!

Then our Birdie laid one more egg! And then she watched me in our tree above as I took the shot.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Not a big fan of the shoes. Are they supposed to be gargoyles or something? LOL I couldn't tell you.

You guys must have looked like very confident first time parents. LOL